
adminadmin 02-04 80 阅读






  China launched an unmanned module(核心舱) on Thursday containing what will become living quarters for three crew on a permanent space station that it plans to complete by the end of 2022. The module, named “Tianhe”, or “Harmony of the Heavens” which will have a life span of at least 10 years, was launched on the Long March 5B, China's largest carrier rocket, at 11:23 a.m (0323GMT) from the Wenchang Space Launch Center on the southern island of Hainan. Tianhe is one of three main components of what would be China's first self-developed space station, rivalling the only other station in service–International Space Station(ISS). The ISS is backed by the United States, Russia, Europe, Japan and Canada. It has hosted scientists from over a dozen nations but China has banned from sending any of its astronauts there. Yet, the fact of the ISS though in orbit for more than two decades, is now uncertain. The project is set to expire in 2024 without funding from its partners. Russia said this month that it would quit the project from 2025.



  1. core module 核心舱

  2. unmanned 无人的,无人驾驶的

  3. crew一般指(轮船、飞机等上面的)全体工作人员,这里指空间站里的航天员。

  4. Long March 5B指长征五号乙(或长征5B)运载火箭是中国新一代运载火箭中的长征五号系列里近地轨道运载能力最大的火箭。

  5. Wenchang Space Launch Center 文昌航天发射场

  6. rival(/ˈraɪvl/)在文中是动词,指与 … 相匹敌,比得上。


  The college’s facilities rival those of Harvard and Yale.



  The Tianhe launch was the first of 11 missions which it will take to construct and outfit the space station with everything it needs in order to host its initial crew. Unlike the International Space Station which can hold six comfortably and up to eight if needed, China's space station will initially be capable of supporting up to three astronauts at once. That number could change dramatically in the future if China decides to further build out the station, add new modules, and new living areas. In the later missions, China will launch two other core modules, four manned spacecraft and four cargo spacecraft. At least 12 astronauts of both genders are training to fly to and live in the station, including veterans of precious flights and newcomers. When completed by late 2022, Tianhe is expected to weigh about 66 tons.



  1. at once 在这里指“同时”而不是“立即”,和simultaneously同义。


  I can't do two things at once.


  2. manned spacecraft和cargo spacecraft 分别指载人飞船(或航天器)和货运飞船。

  3. veteran(verb,/ˈvetərən/)指“老手,〔在某方面〕经验丰富的人”。与newcomer(新手)是反义词。


  a veteran of countless campaigns


  a veteran leader


  After years of successful rocket and commercial satellite launches, China put its first astronaut into space in October 2003. It was only the third country to independently do so after the former Soviet Union and the United States. Since that ShenZhou-5 mission, China has sent other astronauts into orbit, placed crews on the original Tiangong Station and conducted a space walk. The launch of a space lab Tiangong-1 in 2011 and Tiangong-2 in 2016 helped China test program's space rendezvous and docking capabilities. China plans another mission in 2024 to bring back lunar samples and to land people on the moon and possibly build a scientific base there. No timeline has been proposed for such projects. China aims to become a major space power by 2030. It has ramped its space program with visits to the moon, the launch of an uncrewed probe to Mars and the construction of its own space station. The Chinese space agency has been moving fast in its aim to catch up to the U.S and Russia in the new space race.



  1. space walk 指 太空行走(宇航员在宇宙飞船外的活动)。

  2. space rendezvous and docking指“空间交会对接”,其中rendezvous通常指“会面”,但在航天领域特指“(航天器为调动补给而)会合”;dock指“(两架航天器)对接”。


  3. lunar adj. /ˈluːnə(r)/



  studies of the lunar surface


  a lunar eclipse/landscape


  4. ramp verb /ræmp/



  Producers can quickly ramp up production.



  二笔· 英译汉1

  The World Intellectual Property Organization is the global forum for intellectual property policy, services, information and cooperation. On the 26th of April every year, we celebrate World intellectual Property Day to learn about the role that intellectual property (IP) rights play in encouraging innovation and creativity. Each year we choose a theme that illustrates just how important intellectual property is to society, the economy and to our everyday lives. The theme of this year's campaign is “Reach for Gold: IP and Sports”. Sports are not necessarily something that you would immediately association with IP.



  1. World Intellectual Property Organization指世界知识产权组织,简称“WIPO”。


  2. intellectual property rights指“知识产权”。

  Sports have become a multi-billion-dollar global industry-one that generates investment in facilities, employees millions of people around the world, and entertains many more. Business relationship built on IP rights help to secure the economic value of sport. This, in turn, stimulates the growth of the industry by enabling sporting organizations finance the events we savor, and by providing the means to promote sports development at the grassroots level.



  1. savor verb /ˈseɪvə/



  She savoured her few hours of freedom.


  He ate his meal slowly, savouring every mouthful.


  2. grassroots

  ordinary people in society or in an organization, rather than the leaders or people who make decisions 基层民众;平民百姓


  With a big focus on grassroots issues so really focusing on the well-being of ordinary people.


  Today, thanks to advances in broadcasting and communications technologies anyone can follow sporting action around the clock, anywhere, tracking the performance of their favorite athletes and teams without leaving home. But traditionally, tickets were sold to sports fans to enter an area to watch a match. At that time, the excitement of sporting competition did not move much beyond the area. Now thanks to remarkable technological advances, millions and millions of people around the world can turn in and watch a match. That process of broadcasting sporting action to fans in all parts of the world, and the investment it requires, rewards broadcasters with an IP right, which in turn makes it possible to finance the matches. And yet, these technological innovations are empowered and encouraged by IP.




  Today, //thanks to advances in broadcasting and communications technologies //anyone can follow sporting action //around the clock, anywhere, //tracking the performance of their favorite athletes and teams without leaving home.

  句子主干是中间的anyone can follow sporting action。Thanks to...为原因状语从句,我们可以翻译成“得益于……”;around the clock, anywhere修饰前面的follow sporting action这一动作;tracking the performance... 是动名词做伴随状语。


  句中around the clock表示“全天候,日以继夜地”,相当于round the clock。

  近义表达:day and night,all day and all night。


  Staff have been working around/round the clock to resolve the problems.


  第二句But traditionally, tickets were sold to sports fans to enter an area to watch a match大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!. 如果按字面意思直译,是“但传统上,门票是卖给体育迷进入某个区域观看比赛的。”读起来不太通顺自然。

  这里可以进行转换,将“tickets were sold to sports fans”处理成“体育迷需购买门票”,这样译文会自然许多。

  At that time, the excitement of sporting competition did not move much beyond the area.




  We look at how sports business use patents and designs to foster the development of new sports technologies, materials, training, and equipment to help improve athletic performance, and engage fans worldwide. And we find out how trademarks and branding maximize commercial revenue from sponsorship, merchandising and licensing agreements. These revenues offset the cost of organizing world class events, such as the Olympic Games and World Cup series, and ensure that the value and integrity of these spectacular events are safeguarded.


  本段第一句有两个to do结构,都是表目的。句子的主体结构是We look at how sports business use patents and designs to...to...。第一个use sth to...我们可以翻译成“利用……来……”,第二个to可以翻译成“以……”,对前后文进行衔接。

  We look at how sports business use patents and designs //to foster the development of new sports technologies, materials, training, and equipment //to help improve athletic performance, //and engage fans worldwide.

  第二句world class events后面有个插入语such as the Olympic Games and World Cup series,如果such as后面列举的内容不是很多,为了保证译文的连贯性,可以把它融入到前一句中,翻译成“诸如……这类世界级比赛”。大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!



  In today's increasingly diverse societies, UNESCO continues to accomplish its fundamental humanist mission to support people in understanding each other and working together to build lasting peace. It helps to enable people to create and use knowledge for just and inclusive societies. Towards this end, UNESCO has prioritized training and research in sustainable development, skills for peaceful relations, good governance, and the prevention of conflict and peace building among others.




  Towards this end, //UNESCO has prioritized training and research //in sustainable development, skills for peaceful relations, good governance, and the prevention of conflict and peace building among others.

  句子主干是UNESCO has prioritized training and research,介词in后面跟了一连串的并列词组。我们可以将句子翻译为“将……等方面的培训和研究列为优先事项”。大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!


  这里的“等”对应的是文中的among others,它用来 indicate that there are several more facts, things, or people like the one or ones mentioned, but that you do not intend to mention them all,即所列举的事物只是其中一部分,所以翻译成“等”就可以啦。

  下次翻译/写作可以试试用among others代替etc.,and so on哦。

  本句的towards this end表示“为此目的”,大家可以一并积累下来。


  UNESCO 联合国教科文组织

  (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization)

  humanist mission 人文主义使命

  build lasting peace 建设持久和平

  sustainable development 可持续发展

  good governance 善治

  prevention of conflict 预防冲突

  Yet, lasting peace rests on a complex and fragile web of daily practices embedded in local settings and daily encounters that individuals and communities maintain. People believe that these practices constitute the sustainable conditions for living together in dignity and shared prosperity. At a time of increasing global challenges and threats, such as inequality, exclusion, violence and sectarianism worsened by local tensions and conflicts which undermine humanity's cohesion, learning to live together and fostering rights, inclusion and non-discrimination among all members of the global community become more topical than ever before.




  Yet, //lasting peace rests on a complex and fragile web of daily practices //embedded in local settings and daily encounters //that individuals and communities maintain.

  句子主干是lasting peace rests on a complex and fragile web of daily practices,后面embedded in local...是省略了which/that的定语从句,修饰前面的web;这个定语中又套了一个定语从句,即daily encounters后面的that individuals and communities maintain,修饰的应该是前面的local settings and daily encounters。



  At a time of increasing global challenges and threats, //such as inequality, exclusion, violence and sectarianism //worsened by local tensions and conflicts //which undermine humanity's cohesion, //learning to live together and fostering rights, inclusion and non-discrimination among all members of the global community become more topical than ever before.

  句子的主干是learning to... become more topical than ever before. 其中learning to live together and fostering rights, inclusion and non-discrimination是主语,后面还跟了among all members of the global community修饰成分,这么一大串确实很迷惑人,遇到这种情况记得把主谓宾找出来,就会清晰很多。

  译文对语序进行了调整,将at a time放到了中间衔接前后文,即先把背景交待好,然后再提及“在这个时期,学习……变得更加重要”。大家可以仔细看看译文,学学怎么处理。

  Individuals become interculturally competent through learning and life experience for successful living in the modern complexity of our heterogeneous world and consequently they become prepared to appreciate diversity as well as manage conflicts in accordance with the values of pluralism and mutual understanding.  UNESCO intervenes to help its member states and all its partners to better understand and address the challenges of our more and more diversified societies, particularly through its intergovernmental Programme for Management of Social Transformations(政府间社会轻型管理行动) and the Culture of Peace and Non-Violence Programme(和平与非暴力行动) which include, inter alia, initiatives for democracy and global citizenship, intercultural dialogue, and peace-building.





  Individuals become interculturally competent through learning and life experience for successful living in the modern complexity of our heterogeneous world //and consequently they become prepared to appreciate diversity as well as manage conflicts in accordance with the values of pluralism and mutual understanding.


  前半部分的主干是Individuals become interculturally competent,后面跟了through方式状语,紧接着experience后面又跟了for目的状语,我们可以翻译成“以便……”。

  后半部分主干是they become prepared to appreciate diversity as well as manage conflicts,后面的in accordance with...修饰manage conflicts。


  UNESCO intervenes to help its member states and all its partners to better understand and address the challenges of our more and more diversified societies, //particularly through its intergovernmental Programme for Management of Social Transformations(政府间社会轻型管理行动) and the Culture of Peace and Non-Violence Programme(和平与非暴力行动) //which include, inter alia, initiatives for democracy and global citizenship, intercultural dialogue, and peace-building.

  句子主干是UNESCO intervenes to help...and address the challenges...diversified societies,后面的particularly through...是方式状语。

  译文做了语序调整,把particularly through...提前放在了to help的前面,即“联合国教科文组织采取干预措施,特别是通过……帮助……”,大家可以仔细读下译文。

  本段中的inter alia和上文提到的among others类似,也翻译成“等”即可。

  UNESCO has promoted the right to quality education and the advancement of science and its application to develop knowledge and capacity for economic and social progress, the basis of peace and sustainable development. It has focused its work in science on issues of global concern requiring multinational collaboration such as in the fields of fresh water resources management, ocean health, climate change, renewable energy, natural disaster reduction, biodiversity loss, and capacity building in science, technology and innovation.




  第一句的the basis of peace and sustainable development是插入语,解释说明前面的内容。

  第二句global concern后面是动名词结构requiring multinational collaboration做定语,鉴于这个结构很短,我们可以把它翻译成前置定语,即“需要多国合作的全球关切的问题”。

  UNESCO is concerned about the rise of racism, xenophobia and intolerance, and considers education essential to strengthening the foundation of tolerance, and reducing discrimination and violence. The project “Teaching Respect for ALL”(尊重所有人的教育项目)aims to design a curricular framework to fight racism and promote tolerance, which countries can adapt to their respective contexts and needs. Furthermore, it seeks to promote the development and practice of sporting activities, as well as the fight against doping to foster social integration in different cultural and political contexts, recognizing that sport disregards both geographical borders and social class.



  第二句句尾有个which引导的定语从句,修饰前面的a curricular framework,还原之后是countries can adapt the curricular framework to their respective contexts and needs。

  The project “Teaching Respect for ALL” aims to design a curricular framework //to fight racism and promote tolerance, //which countries can adapt to their respective contexts and needs.


  racism 种族主义

  xenophobia /ˌzenəˈfəʊbiə/ 仇外

  intolerance 不容忍

  discrimination 歧视

  tolerance 宽容


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