英语写作高分追着你 学生不要都不行“强行地塞进”你的手心里!

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  跟有技术地踢足球一样,喜欢写英语作文的人则注重写作的思想内涵以及所要表达的逻辑关系跟英语的逻辑形式,与组合明逻辑暗逻辑的对应关系等技术基本功夫,包括英语逻辑思维知识,如:“一表三图四方法六优化” 的知识;如果英语逻辑思维通了,则一通百通了。把整个儿的这些写作的基本原理和具体操作方法的全过程记住会操作了,就OK了。

  大家试想一想,如果足球儿刚一开场就一脚射门,这可能吗?显然是不可能的吧?在比赛中确实不可能出现。如没有技术基本功夫,给球员射门的机会都难成功大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!。写英语作文更是如此,需要具备基本技术功夫——优秀英语作文:以提示句观点为中心,左找原因、右找结果、找措施,以及25个逻辑单句及其逻辑组合句——之基本功夫。

  下面看一下,以这种功夫写作的英语作文如下,其题目是:谈体育说健康(The physical exercise to help people with health)


  The proper sport needs doing in daily life to gets fit and makes people physically strong, preventing them from catching diseases to which they are immune totally, in my view. This turns people favourable for being at work, living in life and studying at speed everyday, meaning that no time is to lose in taking physical exercise to stay physically and mentally healthy.

  Long-life health together with intellect is well expected to be improved in terms of human beings, whose lives are becoming enough worth or valuable, who would have high-quality life lived in their modern-sociability days.

  They see to it that physical sport needs playing to achieve intellectual growth to have a close relationship developed strongly on physical and intellectual education normally.

  As is known to you, students are made confident by doing sport scientifically from time to time to have better mental capacity, enabling them to put for life into daily lives physical-exercise and extremely-healthy practice.

  This shows the sport relates with health making up-to-date life suitable for people inclusive of students who remain positive about developing mentally and physically, which proves them beneficial for strengthening muscle together with human-skeleton conscientiously in the consciousness, to improve functionally in circulation of blood and in digestion and respiration, and discharge.大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!

  Coming to know this, they are reminded of well-healthy growth in which to become vigorous enough to build up active and effective resistance to diseases by doing frequent sport successfully in good mood to their benefit from improvement of physiological and mental function, to be gathering vigorously physical strength.

  Of this, people are fairly positive,encouraging in the use of it, accordingly, to grow in confidence and set a high value on sport, inspiring oneself to work together in active harmony with others to make good progress towards the mental and physical health.

  To combine with this, people are seen to work together and get the teamwork done by mean of athletic contest together with collectively-physical exercise, at which to keep people pleased to feel in their soul for helping them with their own charming health. This brings the sporting spirit, principle and morality to hold high valuable to society ideally, leading everyone in society to be under instruction to know physical sport playing about its fair-minded and genuinely-friendly culture in solidarity with teamwork members.

  They are aware of the importance to the compliance with socially-accepted rule similarly for Olympics’ spirit and principle, and for contest regulation. Its sport makes oneself strongly completely independent, achieving a greatly-ambitious goal to help him/her have the right attitude towards positively day-to-day life, and feel qualified to be one of members who will join community teams in differently social roles on request.

  Students inclusive of university ones in these members could pay a great deal of effort subjectively which is regarded as being socially significant to the change of their social statuses by having a role played in sporting ground.

  Their education is found to be challenging for enough high-speed development of society, in terms of their higher requirements, that needs getting advanced by all-round talents with high quality including university students on whom to make an importantly mental and healthy impa needs getting advanced by all-round talents with high quality including university students on whom to make an importantly mental and healthy impact. This is to achieve positively on the mind and physical exercise to get daily life more interesting or fun, helping them remain in mental health and develop morally and raise personally fine quality.

  To enjoy their really-good health, people are requested to spare one-hour time for doing physical-exercise everyday, that ensures that they are at 50-year work and throughout their life they live happily. This is to put for a significant purpose, reminding everyone that they could join sport-doing activity in getting them in good mood together with in healthy body everyday.


  优秀英语作文:以“提示句观点为中心,左找原因、右找结果、找措施”为方法,写英语得高分,帮助考生写英语有思路,甚至得满分了大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!。为此英语写作得高分追着你,学生不要都不行而“强行地塞进”你的手心里!

英语写作高分追着你 学生不要都不行“强行地塞进”你的手心里!

英语写作高分追着你 学生不要都不行“强行地塞进”你的手心里!

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